2020-24 Hannah Knox, Adam Reed, Thomas Yarrow, Chika Watanabe
2016-20 Elizabeth Hallam
2013-16 Matei Candea
2010-13 Matthew Engelke
2007-10 Simon Coleman
2004-07 Glenn Bowman
2001-04 Susan Bayly
1999-01 James Carrier
1994-98 Simon Joseph Harrison
1993-94 Hastings Donnan
1990-92 Tim Ingold
1987-89 Ruth Finnegan
1983-86 David Turton
1979-83 Marilyn Strathern
1978-79 Peter Loizos
1973-77 Peter Rivière
1970-73 Ioan Lewis
1966-70 Adrian Mayer
1956-66 George Wynn Brereton Huntingford
1953-56 Jack Carrick Trevor
1947-53 Meyer Fortes
1938-47 Ethel John Lindgren
1935-38 Roderick Urwick Sayce
1926-35 Hermann Justus Braunholtz
1921-26 Herbert Spencer Harrison
1871-1921 Editors of the journal were not named from 1871 to 1921, as responsibility for the content of the journal was with the Council of the (Royal) Anthropological Institute