The JRAI is led by a four-person Editorial Team comprised of Hannah Knox, Adam Reed, Chika Watanabe, and Tom Yarrow, who share responsibility for all editorial decisions. We have a lead editor who coordinates the team. This role rotates annually amongst the team.
The Editorial Board support the work of the journal, providing input on editorial policy and strategic decisions. The Editorial Board also provide comments and reviewer suggestions on all submissions based on their reading of titles and abstracts. The full list of editorial board members is here.
Now Hiring: Honorary Reviews Editor
The RAI seeks to appoint an Honorary Reviews Editor to start shadowing the current Reviews Editor (Dr Paolo Heywood) from July 2024, and taking over from September 2024. He or she will work closely with the Editor of the Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute. The incoming editor, Professor Dimitrios Theodossopoulos, will take over the editorship from October 2024.
The main elements of the role are:
to identify books for review from those submitted by publishers and to identify suitable reviewers for these books;
to commission any review essays or non-standard review pieces;
to select and edit reviews for inclusion in the Journal.
The Reviews Editor will also become a member of the RAI publications committee.
The post is honorary. Support for the position is provided from the RAI at 50 Fitzroy Street through the Publications Officer (who will correspond directly with reviewers, catalogue books received, and send out books for review); and by Wiley for copy editing and editorial support.
It is likely the successful candidate will have:
a PhD in Anthropology (or a closely related discipline);
a broad knowledge of the field of contemporary Anthropology;
some editorial experience.
This is an excellent opportunity to gain a state of the art understanding of anthropological publishing across a wide area, and an important part of the RAI’s operations.
Interested candidates should send their CVs along with a cover letter outlining their interest in the job and relevant experience.
These should be sent to the RAI electronically by 1 June 2024, to
Informal enquiries about the post can be made to Paolo Heywood (
Social Anthropology
The Editorial Team oversees all social anthropology submissions, with one editor assigned to lead on each paper from submission through to acceptance or rejection.
Submissions in the area of archaeology are overseen by our Associate Editor in Archaeology, Chris Fowler [].
Biological Anthropology
Submissions in the area of biological and evolutionary anthropology are overseen by our Associate Editor in Biological Anthropology, Emily Emmott [].
Book and Film Reviews
Our Reviews Editor, Paolo Heywood [], commissions reviews of books and other anthropological work (for instance films and exhibitions). Find more information on Reviews here.
Administrative Issues
Our Editorial Assistant, Ana-Maria Cîrstea, provides administrative support, coordinating the review and production process, corresponding with authors and reviewers, and running the online submission system. Please contact Ana-Maria if you have any practical questions relating to the submission, review, or production process [jrai@the].